
7 useful functions that a network RaspberryPi can do (FTP-TFTP-WEB-SAMBA-SYSLOG-RADIUS-DHCP)

Let’s see how to set up a Raspberry Pi to use it as a server on your local network. Below you will find a list of commands and actions to perform step by step to configure the device. [1] SERVER FTP mkdir -p /home/pi/files/ chmod 777 /home/pi/files/ sudo bash apt-get install pure-ftpd -y pure-pw useradd pi […]

7 useful functions that a network RaspberryPi can do (FTP-TFTP-WEB-SAMBA-SYSLOG-RADIUS-DHCP) Read More »

How to calculate hash MD5-SHA1-SHA-256-CRC32 in Windows Linux Mac and online

What they are  Hash are used in computer science to map a string (a sequence of bits) of arbitrary length into a string of predefined length.  It is a sort of ‘signature’ of an electronic document. For each string you can calculate a hash, so each different string will have different hashes.  However, calculating the

How to calculate hash MD5-SHA1-SHA-256-CRC32 in Windows Linux Mac and online Read More »

RAR5 vs RAR4 vs 7ZIP – A quick comparison

Better. zip .7z or .rar?  Often we don’t even pay attention to it, but when we click on a ‘zipper’ file, we are using sophisticated compression algorithms that over the years keep getting better and better.   There are many algorithms and therefore compression formats:  Zipper, Rar, GZip, BZip2, 7z, Tar, Tar.gz …   Among the most popular on Windows we have: 7z, Zip and Rar.  The first and the second one

RAR5 vs RAR4 vs 7ZIP – A quick comparison Read More »

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