Install and configure Apache web-server on Ubuntu or Debian (RaspberryPi)

To create an Apache-based web server, using a common Ubuntu or Debian machine, proceed as follows. 

 1. Install Apache 

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install apache2 

To check if it’s correctly installed, go to the site 


you should find ‘It works! 

2. Configuration  

All configuration files can be found in 


this can be displayed via terminal with 

cd /etc/apache2 

ls -F 

You will see 

apache2.conf    envvars       magic             mods-enabled/     sites-available/ 

conf.d/         httpd.conf    mods-available/   ports.conf        sites-enabled/ 

among which, you’d find the most important: 

apache2.conf: for the webserver configuration 

sites-available/: embracing the virtual hosts 


3. Add the site files to be displayed 

How to include your php (or html) files so that you can expose them to Apache, place them in the folder: 



The folder needs root permissions to be modified.
You can (but not recommended) modify these permissions with the command: 

sudo chown <user> /var/www 

where instead of <user> you will have to enter your user name (this command should also apply to all default files inside).
In this way you can copy directly from Nautilus. 

To copy files from the terminal, without changing the permissions of the aforementioned folder (recommended for security reasons), the command is as follows: 

sudo cp <file to copy> /var/www 
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