Install and configure Apache web-server on Ubuntu or Debian (RaspberryPi)

To create an Apache-based web server, using a common Ubuntu or Debian machine, proceed as follows.   1. Install Apache  sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get install apache2  To check if it’s correctly installed, go to the site  localhost  you should find ‘It works!  2. Configuration   All configuration files can be found in  “/etc/apache2”  this can be displayed via

Install and configure Apache web-server on Ubuntu or Debian (RaspberryPi) Read More »

Introduction to Astronomical Observation Instruments and Deep Space Photography

In order to be able to observe the night-time cosmos we have to use special precision instruments, such as telescopes, eyepieces frames and cameras …  You will find an introduction to the world of astrophile and amateur astrophotography in this article   Telescopes  The telescope is an optical instrument with which we are able to observe the Universe, capturing

Introduction to Astronomical Observation Instruments and Deep Space Photography Read More »

How to display and get the Windows 10 product key for backup or a clean installation

  To display the Windows 10 Product Key  Open a command prompt as administrator, you will find it by right-clicking on the start menu logo. Type the following command:  wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey  and press enter.     Alternative to PowerShell:  open  PowerShell as administrator and execute the commands   Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned  .\GetProductKey.ps1  The currently installed Windows product key will be displayed.  You

How to display and get the Windows 10 product key for backup or a clean installation Read More »

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