Abilitate WebGL 2.0 on most common browsers

For the canvases created in WebGL 1.0 there are no problems, all browsers are already automatically compatible. However, if you see a black image, with no possibility to use it, it means that the canvas is managed by WebGL version 2.0 or later.

To enable WebGL 2.0 and other experimental versions of WebGL on your browser follow these instructions.



It can be enabled in the single current opening with:


in the command line of the application, for example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --enable-unsafe-es3-apis

Otherwise for a permanent activation, please go to


and enable

"Draft Extension  WebGL"

"WebGL 2.0 prototype"

Context 2.0 can be created with the ID “webgl2”.



Go on


and generate a new boolean preference with the name:


create a compatible context at this point

var gl = somecanvas.getContext("experimental-webgl2");



Since the last update, it’s very similar to Chrome. You can follow the information on the official documentation for specific quirks.


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